海伦多兰于1985年成立于英国,是全球认可的专业少儿英语学习的领导品牌。主要针对3个月-14岁的儿童。27年来,海伦多兰少儿英语已经在全球40多个国家开设了800多个中心,使全球近一百万婴幼儿受益。海伦多兰具有非常好的结构性,提供11年的专业培训包括7年的口语课程和4年的综合课程。通过在家重复听说,在班级做游戏等方式系统地学习英语,创造一个让孩子能像学习母语一样的积极、轻松的学习英语的环境。 海伦多兰于2010年进入中国,已经陆续在上海、北京、南京、杭州、武汉、重庆、昆明等城市开设学习中心。现诚聘精英加入我们团队,将品牌不断发展壮大。 【校区分布】 —武昌 青山众圆广场中心:青山区和平大道959号武昌众圆广场6楼 万隆中心:武昌区白沙洲大道武泰闸涂家沟特1号万隆广场3楼 百瑞景中心:武昌区百瑞景中央商业街4号楼204 徐东中心:武昌区徐东大街群星城三楼 光谷中心:洪山区珞喻路光谷世界城广场3楼 汉街中心:武昌区楚河汉街万达广场3楼 南湖中心:武昌区南湖佰港城2楼 ——汉口 M+中心:江汉区循礼门M+购物中心4楼 菱角湖中心:江汉区菱角湖万达广场3楼 盘龙城中心:汉口黄陂区盘龙城天纵城2楼 ——汉阳 人信汇中心:汉阳区龙阳大道邱家大湾汉阳人信汇商业广场7号楼2楼 钟家村中心:汉阳钟家村汉商银座(沃尔玛楼上)3楼 经开万达中心:沌口东风大道111号经开万达百货4楼 Helen Doron Early English was founded in UK in 1985, which is the global leading brand in Early Englishing learning. It mainly covers the children aged 3 months to 14 years old. Until now, HDEE has already set up more than 700 centers in over 40 coutries and benefited nearly a million babies, toddlers and children worldwide. HDEE has a very systemic structure including 11 English courses, as 7 years of spoken English for children, toddlers and infants plus 4 years of spoken English plus reading and writing for older children. This internationally acclaimed English learning system stimulates a child's natural ability to learn through repeated hearing at home, and play activities in the class - creating a positive, fun-filled environment that gives children the ability to learn English as if it was their native tongue. HDEE entered into China in 2010. It has already set up learning centers in Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Chongqing, and Kunming, etc. We look forward to having more potential people to join us and develop the brand intensively. For those who would like to apply for the positions, please kindly send your resume and recent photo to below address: wuhan@helendoron.com.cn Please make sure indicate the position and the place you are interested. We will arrange telephone inquiry and interview based on this information. For those recruited, we will provide competitive salary & benefit package together with a good career development.